4th Interdisciplinary and International Conference Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC-2022)

Location and Date:  Lille, France 27-28 October, 2023.
More information

This 4th edition of the conference aims to provoke meetings, exchange of ideas, and to advance scientific knowledge on possible and desirable futures in the field of smart and sustainable cities. Carlos Moreno will give the inaugural keynote conference on 27 October, and the conference will also feature thematic workshops, panels, and posters sessions. We invite you to submit proposals for communications and workshops addressing energy transition, intelligent systems, vision on urban biodiversity, transportation, complexity, responsible finance, and other topics on current trends and prospects on smart cities. The conference is part of a larger event, the ECOPOSS biennialhttps://www.ecoposs.fr/la-biennale

The best paper presented at the 4th Smart and Sustainable Cities conference will receive an award of 500 CHF funded by the scientific journal MDPI Smart Cities. The papers will be invited for publications in a Special Issue of MDPI Smart Citieshttps://www.mdpi.com/journal/smartcities/special_issues/trends_prospects_smart_sustainable_cities

Information and call for papers and communications: https://www.smart-and-sustainable.org/
